My first Illustration class is one of the hardest classes I've ever taken. My advisor told me this teacher is really tough. This homework is my fourth re-do.
When I first saw David's work, I instantly thought of glam in a big way. His sense of proportions, color, lines, values all work well. There's an organic sensibility that I do like about his work. Apparently David was in person at the Academy of Art last semester but I missed it. :(
This is the first day of my fashion illustration blog, I feel like I want to dedicate this to George Stavrinos who inspired me to draw so passionatly.
Here's how I found out about his work....
I was in high school, I was in the library looking through all the fashion magazines. I picked up the latest Vogue magazine, as I turned the cover, the first page was a Bergdorf Goodman ad with George's mouth dropped to the floor. I was in awe, wondering how did he do it in pencil? Trying to remember the image, I think it was a woman crumbling up a letter in a crepe de Chine dress.